Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Travel Day 5 Back to Vienna


Up at 7am to shower and then read a bit. I almost finished my book but wanted to save some for the ride so I took a shower. Their gust bathroom is very nice though it is difficult to shower without getting the entire floor wet. S showers again and we wait and listen for Sz and T upstairs before we too go up to eat breakfast. It�s quite a feast. It�s clear the kids are at school and the data at work but cousin mom is home with her 1 month old. We get rolling again around 9:30 for the long drive back.
Before we leave Budapest we stop at one of the largest warehouse stores I have ever seen. Inside we buy a few gifts and sundry items including this cheesecake desert, which I eat, three of and feel like if they sold them in the US I would be very very very fat indeed. T gets a kind of cherry soda that looks quite interesting. As we drive off he points out an apartment his wife B used to live in (she is from Budapest).
We all sleep some (even T I suspect) and get over the boarder with no hassles, We all comment again how in just a few days the boarder won�t even be here. Vienna traffic is like that of any large city so we slowly make our way into the city center then to the apartment building where they live and we have been staying. I am reminded again how much like family they�ve made us feel.
S and I rest a bit and then pack up our stuff as we are leaving the next morning. Almost all of the clothes are dirty so it makes packing easy, as I don�t care at all of wrinkles or if the dirty shoes touch the clothes. I fill my backpack full of the food and other souvenirs we�ve bought and I hope that the wine makes it through customs.
We go upstairs to see what Sz is up to and almost her whole family is gathered. We had talked about going on one more sight seeing excursion but it�s already late afternoon and we don�t want to just go off while her parents are here to see all of us.
Sz�s dad rattles some constructive criticism at us while Sz translates. It boils down to the fact that the music is very good and professional but we aren�t terribly commercial in our appearance. None of us wants to be Brittney Spears and since we like it that way it makes us happy to hear that e3veryone enjoyed the music so much.
S gives Sz�s dad the wine we bought for him and we all drink a small toast. Then Sz, T S and I are off to the candy factory to buy more gifts. The wafers are so good and I have a hard time limiting myself to only a few things, but I know we hardly have any room which to bring stuff home. Nor do I like to buy too much while on vacation. Because of all of the care we�ve gotten S and I have hardly spent any money on the trip which is very good considering our current situation.
We are back and rest and finish packing then go up to hang out with Sz until her sister gets home. We are going to have a bit of a family dinner (minus T, his wife, and the parents). This is really the best part of the trip. Hanging out with Sz and getting to know her better (since I am not at practice too much I don�t get to talk to her that often). Also getting to know her family is quite fun. Each of them has a very distinct personality and all of them are so smart and full of life. Sz lays out cheese bread and pate and tidies while I write some and transfer the pictures from the camera onto the computer. I also get a chance to check my email, which is great since I seem to have over 600 of them thanks to some sort of spoofing.
When M gets home S and Sz help her make dinner. Total roll reversal as I am usually the one who is elbow deep in the kitchen. I feel a bit awkward about it but I am a guest so I decide to enjoy and listen to the talk and the music and look at all of the pictures we�ve taken and at M�s wonderful art that fills her entire apartment.
Sz youngest brother Mk and her youngest sister My show up for dinner as well. As does Mk�s girlfriend who reminds me of someone I know so much that I nearly fell out of my chair. We eat WAY too much. The meatballs are so yummy and the sauce so good I have seconds even though my first helping was huge. There is also desert which is really yummy. They speak in English to help us out but sometimes revert to German when it suites the conversation. I can follow a few of the things, but my vocabulary is horrid. It is easier to follow then Hungarian though.
S and I leave dinner around 11 feeling bad it is so early but feeling so tired we can�t help it. I decide to take a bath since my cold is so much worse. I also load up on the meds to try and get a good night sleep. I end up moving out to the couch about an hour after we go to bed mostly because I am tossing and turning but also because S is sleeping so heavily and loudly that I can�t fall asleep. I am so full of the memories of the events over the past few days that I even dream of them.

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