Thursday, May 04, 2006

Does there ALWAYS have to be drama - can't things calm down for ONE second???

- Engineer plan for septic - needs the pump - additional cost 10K
- Check by FedEx from House equity line - first of all it is 3 days late because she "couldn't read the lawyers handwriting" and didn't bother to call to ask what my address was... SECONDLY the check was made out to Steve... Oh yeah *I* am the one on the loan and on the house and the check is made out to HIM - why you ask - Oh - he's "head of household" delay delay dealy
- Real-estate agent - must drop house price by 10K - oh wait I just got a bigger bill then expected then I need to loose 10K more - great
- and last but not least - Steve (and I assume Mary too) are coming back to MA to have some time to find a job. What about your idea of working in a bookstore and renting a room until you could find a real job? That makes way more sense then wasting 1-3 more months with no $ - unless you are going to file for unemployment like I TOLD you you should in the first place

- feeling bitter today - at least I had fun last night at the Thylacine set and am going to see SSD tonight. Maybe drinking and driving DOES help.

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