Sunday, March 19, 2006

I think I should not email him anymore. Granted I need him to sign papers and to deal with his stuff, but I am guessing that he has turned a cold hard mind to anything I say. He is so good at it that it is chilling. I tried to help him today, warn him that he might not get back from where he had gone if he was not careful. I knew where he was and didn't tell anyone.
But I should tell everyone, I should hire a private investigator and find him

But what good will it do, I lost him to himself and his mind and his cold heart. I would take him back in a second if he changed his mind, but he won't.

I am cleaning out my bedroom right now - I found this and it hurts so much

A birthday card I wrote him for his 30th birthday



There is so much I have already said, yet still, every second breeds more. More Truth, more Beauty, more Love. As a man of 30 years you have explored much of these in turn and yet the Ultimate Knowledge of each is still a quest. I see this quest as ours to share, ours to map out, ours to complete.

On your bithday I wanted to give you something that you wanted but didn't expect. The surprise party was all about the Truth of friendship, the Beauty of the unknown and my Love for a man who has changed my way of being and living in this "age of (the) empty mind".

For the next 30 I don't want you to "wondeer where the years have gone and if we could have gone along". Instead we will be on that journey with open minds, hearts and souls.

Now the cleche of need - only us, only me only you.

I love you Steve. I wish a satisfying and completeing journey, Remember to stop along the way for hugs, kisses, naked napping and Big/little B(b)unny cuddling

- Sarah

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